why don't my income categories don't add up to the same amount as the total income

GM_77 Quicken Canada Subscription Member


In the budget I am creating, I have 3 categories under income :

Paycheck 1000

Expenses for work 500

And something called Interested earned 100

So those 3 categories should add up to 1600

However my income line says 1631.55. I can't find where this 31.55 comes from!

So none of my income columns add up properly.

Any hint?


  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Are these the budget amounts that aren't adding up or the actuals? If it's actual spending, you cal click on the number & select the View Transactions button on the popup & it will give you a report showing the transactions in the number.

    If it's budget amounts, be aware that parent categories can have additional spending beyond the child categories. So you could have an extra 31.55 budget for the parent income category that wasn't part of any child category. If you edit the budget & set the amount for the parent category to 0, it will go back to being just the sum of the child categories with no extra.

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