"Other" Category Missing From Reports

ISUMaddog Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
edited March 2024 in Reports (Windows)

I've used Quicken for over 20 years and whenever I accidentally posted a transaction to a top level category rather than the lowest sub-category, it would list an "Other" category item with the sum of the mis-entered transactions. This was a very helpful feature to be sure all transactions were properly categorized. As of tonight when I generated a budget report, the "Other xxxxx" category is no longer displaying for my categories that contain sub-categories. Not sure if this is a new "feature" in the latest release or I've somehow turned off its display. Help!


  • RichardCSchreyer
    RichardCSchreyer Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Check to see if you are including other as a budget category

  • ISUMaddog
    ISUMaddog Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the tip. I went into my settings and sure enough "Other" was not selected. However, I changed all categories with sub-categories to include other and then intentionally changed a transaction to use the top category. Other is still not being displayed when I run a budget report :( I should note that when I view the budget screen to create budgets for each category, the Other category is displayed there, just not when I run a budget report.

  • RichardCSchreyer
    RichardCSchreyer Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Go to customize report and make sure to select including uncategorized

  • ISUMaddog
    ISUMaddog Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hi Richard,

    I tried this and this shows every category, including hidden categories but still does not show the "Other" category in the report! I found a work around, but would still like to know what's causing this! I found an old budget report that I had saved in my saved reports that still shows the "Other" category in the report. Thus, I used it as a template and modified it with the latest accounts and categories and saved it to a new name and I now have what I was looking for. However, If I choose to create a new budget report from the report manager and choose the same accounts and categories, no "Other" category is displayed. I've gone through the settings for both reports (one with "Other" and one without) and cannot see anything different so I'm at a loss. I'll just use this method going forward of starting with the old report and modify it when I want a change. Just not a huge fan of all the updates automatically now that leads to this!

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