Calculator in Quicken Mac

sackboydad7669 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

Hi. I used to use Quicken for Windows but switched to Quicken Mac. The Windows version had a great in-line calculator in a number field. You could type ++ and it would double what was in the field, you could do percentage math (field had $1.00, you just pressed +6% and it would automatically put $1.06. In fact, I remember I didn't even have to position the cursor, I just tabbed to the amount entry and I could just type. If I typed a number, it would overwrite what was there. If I used an operand, it would assume I wanted to do something with the number that was already there. a HUGE time saver. Quicken Mac makes you position the cursor before you can do anything and it doesn't support the ++ or percentage math. Am I just doing something wrong or did these great features get left out of the Mac version?


  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2

    There's a calculator but it doesn't have those particular shortcuts. The only shortcut I know of is pressing % will divide the number you're typing by 100.

    As for having to use the cursor, you can press the Enter key to start editing the highlighted transaction in the register and then use the tab key to move to the amount column. You can use the arrow keys to move up & down in the register or press Command+N to create a new transaction.

  • sackboydad7669
    sackboydad7669 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Sorry, I was probably too vague about the movement. Yes, I love the shortcuts you mentioned. What I meant was when you've already tabbed to the "amount" field and there's already say $100.00 in it, the entire number is selected, Quicken Windows lets you just type +50 ENTER and you now have $150. In Quicken Mac, if you do the same thing you'll just have 50. You have to position the cursor at the end of the $100.00| then do your math. It's the having to click at the end of the number that I wish they'd fix.

  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 3

    You can press the right arrow key to deselect the number & put the cursor at the end. I guess they think you're more likely to want to replace the number rather than modify it with the calculator.

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