Credit Cards Stopped Updating/Downloading Transactions

Jeff Ryan
Jeff Ryan Member ✭✭

About a month ago, the two credit cards on one of my Quicken Files stopped updating transactions. My AMEX and VISA cards downloaded fine for years but then suddenly stopped.

I tried everything from - Deactivating - Resetting - and starting New Credit Card Accounts but could not get either Card to download transactions.

Looking over many posts on the Quicken Community website I did not find a solution.

Chatting with American Express about the situation, they asked if the credit cards were displayed in the Account bar under Account Details/Account Intent as: "Business" or "Personal."

They were listed as "Business".

They suggested Deactivating Online Services/Setup for those two accounts and then moving them to AccountDetails/Account Intent to: "Personal".

Then, exit Quicken, go back in and set the accounts up for Online Services again.

That ended up working!

Anyone from Quicken reading this may want to make note of this as it appears there is a bug with how credit cards are categorized on your application and if they will potentially stop downloading. It would also be nice to get this fixed.

Hope this helps someone dealing with the same problem.


  • I gave up.This has been going on since November. I canceled my auto renew and will move on from Intuit.

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