Problem with memorized payees that have split categories


When I pay a bill that has a memorized payee and the memorized payee has split categories, the split categories do not show up on the new payment. I have to reenter them each time I pay a bill. I am using Quicken for Windows with the most recent release.


  • The Keeper
    The Keeper Member ✭✭✭✭

    When you say "the split categories do not show up on the new payment" I assume you are referring to manually entering the split category transaction into the Quicken register?

    If that is the case, check your memorized payee list which may have more than one categorie. For example:

    You may have Kroger as a memorized payee with a category titled "Groceries"

    You may also have Kroger as a memorized payee with a category of "Groceries" with a split entry of "Household" and another entry of "Pet Expense." When you enter "Kroger" Quicken may default to the Kroger "Grocery" in which case you have to manually split the amount between "Groceries" "Household" and "Pet Expense."

    If you want the same split category to pop up every time you enter "Kroger" then highlight and delete the payee category you are no longer using

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