How do I set a reminder for Medicare premium payment to monthly and every 3rd Wednesday?

My Wife retired but is not taking Social Security yet. The premium is more of a single monthly payment rather than a split in a SS reminder. I am trying to set the reminder for the 3rd Wednesday each month rather than a specific date. I don't see that option but I may be missing it.
Quicken Deluxe Version R54.16 Build
Windows 11 Version 22H2 Build 22621.3155
How to set up reminder for 3rd Wednesday of month
(contains both Windows and Mac instructions. Click "View Post" to see the full text. Mac users please scroll down a
little)1 -
Well……..not sure how I missed that. Thanks!
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I missed it too…that was helpful!
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@Rick56 if your wife is making Medicare payments without being on Social Security, please note that the payment frequency is NOT every Wednesday as you and @UKR have indicated.
Bottom line, standalone Medicare payments are made on the 20th of the month previous to the coverage period. And the payment frequency depends on the payment method. If you make manual payments, the billing frequency is Quarterly with the payments made on the 20th of the month prior to the Quarterly period. If you have the payments taken out automatically via "Easy Pay", then the payments are taken Monthly on the 20th of the prior month.
You do not indicate what steps you have taken so far in Medicare enrollment or setting up payments, but I would suggest getting in contact with Medicare, or Social Security to make sure you have taken the proper steps for Medicare. It can get complicated depending on your situation.
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"You do not indicate what steps you have taken so far in Medicare enrollment or setting up payments, but I would suggest getting in contact with Medicare, or Social Security to make sure you have taken the proper steps for Medicare. It can get complicated depending on your situation."
I didn't include precious steps for Medicare because I did not see them as necessary to the question. We have already been through both of us signing up for Medicare plus the additional needed to cover the holes. Thanks anyway.
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@Rick56 My apologies. Your comment about "3rd Wednesday" implied you didn't realize the Medicare payments were on a different schedule.
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@QuickUserPSP - If you make manual payments, the billing frequency is Quarterly with the payments made on the 20th of the month prior to the Quarterly period.
huh - our neighbors are not on SS and making manual Medicare payments -
and they receive a bill EVERY MONTH which is then due the 25th of every month0 -
No apology necessary. I wasn't aware or didn't remember. The first payment was for 3 months and that is too long to remember. at least for me. I just assumed (nasty A word) and you know what that gets you……….
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No apologies necessary. I didn't remember what the site said when I signed her up for auto payment. The first payment is for 3 months (at least mine was) and that is too long for me to remember. I just assumed and you know what that gets you……….
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@Rick56 - My Wife retired but is not taking Social Security yet. The premium is more of a single monthly payment rather than a split in a SS reminder. I am trying to set the reminder for the 3rd Wednesday each month rather than a specific date.
Why the 3rd Wednesday ?
That sounds more like the SS schedule (based upon last name) - even though you state that no SS is being drawn…0 -
@Rick56 - the first payment to Medicare is usually for 3 months because the initial payment is usually manual because the recipient hasn't set up automatic payments yet.
@Ps56k2 - The payment is due by the 25th, but should be sent 5 days prior. That is why I stated the 20th and why most documentation state the 20th. Typically the Medicare recipient is only paying Part B Premiums which is billed Quarterly if manual payments are made. If the recipient is also paying Part A and/or Part D (IRMAA) Premiums, then the bills are sent monthly. But, no matter what, if the recipient chooses to have their payments deducted automatically, then the payments are always taken monthly on the 20th of the prior month.