Editing a paycheck not working, Red flags but nothing to review

It's 2024 and pension amounts changed. I went to update an income reminder & correct a recently automatically entered transaction & wasn't able to do anything! 1. Income reminder: if I try to edit the amount, was allowed but the deductions (splits) aren't showing. 2. When I tried to correct the total amount on the recently entered transaction, I get "The total of the paycheck items does not match the transaction amount. Click Ok to edit the transaction." Then when I click OK, I get a blank editing screen (see below).
I've spent a lot of time chatting with Quicken: validated files, transferred files from the cloud to PC, nothing works! I've also had continuing problems with downloaded transactions showing a red flag next to the account but there's nothing to review and I'm not allowed to reconcile the account until the invisible transactions are dealt with. Chat seemed to have the solution, but the very next time that I downloaded transactions, same stupid issue. I've tried using backups from November, but these problems are still happening. I'm not trying to do anything amazing with money, just track checking, savings, etc.
I've been a Quicken customer forever, but what the heck is going on? It's been nothing but pesky little issues for a few months now. I'm close to ending this, but of course, just paid my annual subscription. Unhappy.