Multicurrency - Invoices in USD and CAD

I need to send invoices to customer's oversees, but there is no support for multicurrency in Quicken Canada.
I would like to be able to invoice my customers in USD and then receive the payment in USD as well.
Have you tried creating a separate Customer Invoices account register, selecting USD as the currency?
In my US version, I have both US$ and € Invoices accounts.
When I create a € invoice, individual amount fields will not show a currency sign, but the invoice total field will show
"Total(€) 123.45"On each invoice that you create add a Message to Customer or two, to indicate "Invoice in US$" and "Make payment in US$"
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Hello UKR,
I was able to create two accounts receivable accounts, one in USD and one in CAD. That solves my issue.
Thank you very much for your help