adding an investment that was downloaded but doesn't show up in my account

wjb727 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

Q version R54.15

I have a 401K account that I download into Q. Today I find 1 investment that downloaded but does not show up in the "Investing" tab of pages. How do I add that to my 401K account when it did download (incorrectly, I might add) but will not update in my 401K account? This particular position was FDRXX that downloaded as FDRIX ( I did change that position's name in the download).

BTW, I did highlite the "401K position" to add an investment and it would not do it or if it did, it went somewhere where I sure couldn't find it - maybe an old, hidden account.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You're talking about the Portfolio View under the Investing tab, aren't you?
    In that case, go to this view and click the Customize tab to bring up the "Customize Current View" dialog.
    Select the Securities tab and then click Select all.
    Be sure to have also selected the item "No Security (includes cash)" to see the uninvested cash balance of the account in the view.

    Quicken does not automatically add new accounts or securities to the Portfolio views, in case you have created a view for selected accounts or selected securities only.

  • wjb727
    wjb727 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    portfolio view, yes.

    Thanks, it’s been years since I customized a view and forgot that I had some securities deselected.

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