Issue with toggling "Early Access" on and off

QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta
edited April 2024 in Reports (Windows)

When I was helping other users with issues with report customization, I discovered that if you use "Early Access" and decide later to turn it off by unchecking the two reporting items, you will lose some of your report fields and/or report customization options.

One user lost a category column in their report, another lost a date column in report customization. When I unchecked the reporting option in "Early Access", I lost the list of sort options in report customization. The only way I could get the list of sort options back was to reselect both the "Early Access" options. The same was true for the other user's reporting issues.

For me, there are no issues with the "Early Access" enhancements. The issues arose when reverting back to the old interfaces.

So, I just wanted to get the word out that there could be potential issues when reverting back from "Early Access" to the old interfaces.


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