Incorrect Stock Value Download

Richard Kennedy
Richard Kennedy Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭

Regardless of the IGV stock split, the closing price should not fluctuate wildly from day to day. What stock goes from $421.4426 per share to $2,117.00 in one day? Reloading the values doesn't correct the problem.



  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 8

    Those $400+ prices aren't really incorrect. IGV did a 5 for 1 split yesterday morning, so the share prices for 3/6 and earlier are supposed to be 5x higher. However, online stock prices generally show split adjusted values which is why you see the lower prices now, but technically the lower prices are not correct for those dates.

    If you own shares of IGV you should get a split transaction in your account adjusting the number of shares you own so your portfolio value remains the same (5 times as many shares at 1/5 the price).

  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 8

    OK, now that does look wrong. My guess is that something hasn't gotten fully adjusted for the split - after all, those $2000+ prices are roughly 5x the pre-split prices.

    I'd wait a few more days for things to settle out. Though personally I think you were better off with the original prices you had.

    (And in the future please don't completely replace your post like that. If you have more info to share, post a reply instead.)

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