Bill and Income - Calendar view incorrect by alot

Please see the image below. My current check balance is approximately $8K but the balances running in the Bill & Income calendar bear no resemblance to reality (wish they did). My check register, projected balances within Bills & Income, and my regular calendar view are all accurate. I have run validation with no issues. I could not find any old reminders that are causing this issue. In scrolling back through the Bill & Income calendar I do see some jumps in value but there are NO transactions in my check register that warrant this. Is it possible that this particular calendar view within Bill & Income is looking at something other than what the bar at the bottom is looking at (Checking-WSFS)?
Does this view have an Options button or a gear icon which allows you to select accounts to include in this view?
The default may include Asset accounts (like your House account) and that leads to inflated values. Customize the list of accounts you wish to include in this view.
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Thanks, I've looked for that and there are no setting that impacts the calendar figures. I can only adjust where you see the "Checking-WSFS" at the bottom. If I change this to another account the graph on the bottom will change but the top calendar remains the same.
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Hmmm … my US Quicken (HB&R, at latest release, Subscription R 55.15) has an Options button which allows me to control the accounts included in the Calendar view. This works for both the Tools Menu / Calendar view and a Home tab's Classic view / Calendar view. See here for an example of my Home tab Calendar view:
Using an Options setting I have hidden recorded transactions, to protect my privacy.
But as you can see, my numbers also look inflated, but that's because an Asset account for my House is included in the daily totals. Deselecting the Asset account brings the numbers down to a level which is more in line with my actual bank account balances.If your view is different and doesn't have Options to select … what version, release and feature level of Quicken are you using?
US, Canada or other country version? (Clicking Help / About Quicken will give you release information)0 -
This is what I'm on.
Below are the two calendar options that I have. Within the calendar option itself (first image) everything is fine. 2nd image, where I access the calendar through Bills & Income I have those inflated figures and don't see I way to adjust the accounts. Again, the Bills & Income calendar the graph on the bottom has the ability to select my checking account at those figures are correct. I just don't see an option for the top calendar.
My normal calendar and check register are A-OK. I'm stumped
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Thanks for the images.
Having combined the Bills tab with the Income & Transfers tab long ago I don't have the same Calendar view as yours. And in the combined Bills, Income & Transfers view there's now a different Calendar view available … which only includes the accounts in the Banking section of your Accounts Sidebar.
You might want to combine the two views and give it a try. (Backup your Quicken data file first, then click the gear icon inside the Bills or Income & Transfers views to combine the views)
I don't know why there's no Options / Select Accounts button in your Income & Transfers view. Only a programmer would be able to tell you why there's a difference.
💡 Perhaps a Community Moderator or one of the other Superusers can shed some light on this, too.0 -
appreciate it, I will look at that