Portfolio Value Report - Showing previously closed positions as open after R53.16

capicon Member ✭✭

There was a recent forum topic opened in Dec-2023 titled "R53.26 December - Causing previously closed positions to show open."

That topic has been closed, but the issue remains (it's still an issue on R55.15), so this is to raise the matter again.

In summary — Quicken updates after R53.16 in Nov-2023 result in the Portfolio Value report showing closed positions as still open, with sometimes numerous separate lines with negative numbers and values for other closed positions.

This error appears to be driven by either or both:

a) transactions where a security is sold short first (using a Quicken ShtSell transaction) and then bought (aka 'covered') later (using a Quicken CvrShrt transaction); or

b) transactions where security sales (or CvrShrt transactions) are specifically identified to individual lot purchases (or ShtSell positions).

This is a real issue for those of us that have our financial statements audited, based on underlying Quicken reports, as this Portfolio Value report is often used as a key portfolio report for F/S audits, given the various data elements it presents in one place for the portfolio.

As a result, those of us substantively affected by this have been stuck on R53.26 from Nov-2023, but would love to upgrade once this is fixed, especially given the value of other recent changes.

At the end of that prior topic on this, Quicken Janean asked if some of us could load a sanitized copy of our files for the developers to review on that. I wasn't able to do that earlier, but before I take the time to do that now (will take some work), can Quicken let us know if the cause of this has already been identified, with the fix already in the works/project plan?

Or would it still help to get a sanitized copy of our data files to investigate it? If so, I can get that prepared and uploaded to you right away.

This discussion has been closed.