Add 'Edit' button to the Edit Multiple Transactions Dialog

taitelh Member ✭✭

In an investment register you can go to Actions/Edit Multiple Transactions. It allows mass editing of a few limited properties of the selected transactions. It also allows duplicating selecting transactions. In the latter case it cycles through the newly duplicated transactions and presents the transaction dialog so that properties of the new transactions can be changed. This is nice, but the most obvious functionality is missing. There should be an 'Edit' button that behaves similarly to the 'Duplicate' button, but opens the transaction dialog for the existing transactions without making new ones. This would make it very easy, for example, to pre-select all Transactions of type 'Remove', hit the Edit button, and have quicken walk you through each transaction to change from 'Remove' to 'Sell'. It is easier to keep track of the transactions this way than directly using the register and for whatever reason transaction entry is quicker throught the 'Edit Multiple Transactions' functionality than directly in the register where it can take 7 seconds or more for a transaction to be 'accepted'.

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