Saved Budget Compare Report Doesn't Save "Budget Year" Setting
When I update my saved Budget Compare reports in Quicken, everything saves correctly except for the budget year. Despite changing the "Budget Year" in the report and saving, the software consistently reverts to the earliest budget year when saved report is retreived. All other settings, including the "date range" and "budget" are saved, only the "Budget Year" won't save. It seems there's no functionality to retain the chosen budget year upon saving.
BTW, this has long existed, I just finally got tired of manually changing it every time I retrieved the report and decided to spend a few minutes to inquire and/or report this as a bug.
Yes, I agree this is basic and very frustrating…this should be easy. You set up a current budget:
The report comes up fine:
Hit save, then re-open from My Saved Reports (where theree is no Budget Year option):
Defaults to old budget year and non-sensical numbers (for me at least):