Gains / Losses not visible now that Principal is Web Connect. All my Direct Connect work fine

Diannalr Member
edited May 5 in Investing (Windows)

It appears that via Web Connect (Principal Funds), it simply updates the share balances and current per-share price of the investment. Because of this, it loses all historical tracking. It shows I have zero gains/losses on my investments like I do with my accounts that are Direct Connect (Fidelity etc) In other words, my cost basis and current day value of my total investments are the same. I've seen other people ask similar questions about this, but they've not reached any resolutions. I'm also not sure that it was fully understood when the question was asked.

I've spoken with Quicken (some time ago) and Principal, and I'm frustrated that neither understands the issue. If we are to use this as a tool, we certainly want our tool to alert us if our investments are gaining or losing so we can take action.

Anyone? Is there a step I am missing here? I have no options to download any additional information from Principal (Original share price etc)

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