Quicken and NFCU QFX file error


Recently NFCU updated their website and probably their backend systems. Since then (about 3 months now), I noticed that NFCU credit cards will not reconcile when using online services with automatic entry or online services with manual qfx downloads. I reported the issue to NFCU and Quicken multiple times with no acknowledgement or effort to resolve.

After much troubleshooting on my own part I discovered there is erroneous date data in the qfx file for the <LEDGERBAL> and <AVAILBAL>, see below. This was also reported to NFCU and Quicken over a month ago and again, no acknowledgement or resolution to the issue.



I also discovered that Navy Federal is discontinuing Express Web Connect and updating to a new method of providing data to applications like Quicken, called EWC+. This has probably been implemented and is the reason for this bug.

The work around is to manually edit the qfx file and set the DTASOF to the current date and then launch the qfx file for quicken to process. This can be difficult if you do not work with xml file. The qfx file when opened with a text editor is one long line of xml code. You need a 3rd party app to present it in it's tabular format. The data is completely at the end of the code.

I can only assume that this affects Quicken for MAC. I have not tested that yet.

I also read that it is Quicken (Intuit) that formats the data from the financial institution into the qfx file format. This did not seem to make sense to I didn't go any further with this.

BLUF: It's nice to have a work around. But the real question is why do we pay so much for services that come with little to no support. I feel that NFCU and Quicken have a model of "Take it or Leave it".


  • vcb406
    vcb406 Member

    I agree! When will the issues be resolved without needing a workaround?