Crashing on update

ksm Member ✭✭✭

File crashes (closes) when doing update. Quicken Classic Deluxe, Windows 10. R55.23 Computer restart didn't help. Still crashes. Not every time, but frequently. Used "Update Now" on Home Dashboard screen. When reopen, the "Last Updated" date and time on the Home Dashboard screen is the prior updated time, but on the Investing screen, the Quotes say they were updated at the time of the crash.



  • Robert Reed
    Robert Reed Member ✭✭

    Same problem here.

  • ksm
    ksm Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 25

    And the Home Dashboard date and time of update does not update. I've updated two times since this date / time, including moments ago.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you haven't done so already, please do the following actions:

    1. Even if you are on the latest software level already, download and install the latest Manual Patch file from to ensure your Quicken software is up to date and correctly installed.
    2. Reboot Windows.
    3. Start Quicken. Do not run One Step Update.
    4. Run BOTH Validate and Supervalidate to attempt to repair your Quicken data file.
    5. If nothing helps, try to restore your Quicken data file from an Automatic or Manual backup taken just prior to the problems first occurring.

    Validate and Supervalidate instructions
    First save a backup file prior to performing these steps
    • Click File
    • Select Validate and Repair File...
    • Select Validate File
    • If the data file contains investment accounts also select "Rebuild investing lots".
    • If you suspect that a damaged Quotes Price History causes your problems, also select "Correct investing price history" functions "Delete" or "Repair and Rebuild".
    • Click OK
    • Review the Data Log. Anything interesting in there, worthwhile posting here?
    • Close Quicken (leave it closed for about 30 secs)
    • Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    Super Validate:
    • Click File
    • Press and hold both CTRL and Shift keys while you click Validate and Repair File...
    • Select Supervalidate File
    • Click OK
    • Review the Data Log. Anything interesting in there, worthwhile posting here?
    • Close Quicken (leave it closed for about 30 secs)
    • Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

  • Someupsetuser
    Someupsetuser Member ✭✭

    I had similar issues and all the validations did not help. Neither did reinstalling Quicken. However, I was able to take my Quicken file to a different computer, and then one step udpate worked without problems. So the problem was NOT in my QDF file.

    What finally did seem to make the difference on my original computer was to uninstalll and reinstall the internal browser used by Quicken which is Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime. Since I did that a few weeks ago, no crashes. In addition, my one step updates that were taking something like 15 minutes dropped back down to a minute or two. I'm thinking that the cache for that browswer had some 'bad data' and reinstalling it was a way of clearing its cache, which I expect had not been done in 10 years.

    I wonder if that would help anyone else. One can uninstall Microsft Edge ViewView2 from PC settings → Add or Remove programs, and then Quicken will prompt to reinstall it. It can also be downloaded from Microsoft. In addition, a web search finds procedures for just clearing its cache, which I have not investigated.

  • The Big Apple
    The Big Apple Windows Beta Beta

    I didn't have the option to remove, but had the option to repair/reinstall (running Win 10) in Windows Add/Remove programs. OSU was definitely faster, but I can't comment on crashes until I've tried for a few more days, at least.

  • ksm
    ksm Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 12

    For UKR: While the crashing stopped, I followed your guidance downloading the latest Manual Patch and running Validate and Supervalidate. The most interesting thing the Data Log stated is: "The following transaction(s) involving transfers appear to be damaged. You should delete them and recreate as appropriate."

    The approximately 40 transactions listed are for an investment account that was closed in 2016. (The investments in that account were transferred to a new account.) As my current investment accounts are up to date, I'm going to ignore this.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Dora123
    Dora123 Member ✭✭

    I did the Validating & Repair and then the Super Validating to see if the Crash problem I have been having for at least 2-3 months could be corrected but it didn't resolve the the problem. My problem is with my Investments (with WFA) in Windows Quicken Classic Premium. When I try to "accept" transactions by clicking on the Red Flag account(s), it delays a few seconds and then Crashes. One of my 10 accounts is somehow set up to function as if it were a Banking account with the blue circle appearing next to it and acceptance of the new transaction can be done by simply "reviewing" the transaction. My other 9 accounts need to be clicked on and thae Accept process done to remove the Red Flag.

    I had this occur about a year ago but it was resolved somehow for several months. I have completed crash reports many times and sent the Problem Report on the issue.

    Is there any chance this is being addressed? I've thought that I might try closing/deleting all the investment accounts and reopening them might be the only way to get the accounts to synch properly.

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