Citi Cards - Shell, Exxon Mobil, Wawa - no longer support Quicken billing (edit)
As of this morning I see that these cards need a new connection update. When I go to find the bill as listed above they do not exist anymore. Did Citi and Quicken drop the ability to down load the bills.
Quicken for Windows Ver R56.9.
Which specific financial institution name did you previously use?
For Shell, for example, the list of banks has entries like "Shell Creditcard - Citibank".
Deactivate any existing old connections, then use the Add Account dialog ("+" button in the Account Sidebar title) and look for "Shell". Pick from the list and see if you can get connected with your existing Citi ID and password.
When you get to the list of accounts found at the bank, LINK the credit card account at the bank with your already existing account register.Backup your data file before you start making changes.
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Thanks for the reply.
This issue that started this morning is all three of the Citt Gas Cards came of with the following attachment. Prior to this morning I was able to download bills from the bill income reminder tab. None of these bills are available to set up on the bill reminder tab as they were prior to tyhis morning. I can as you stated set them up **** accounts.. See the attached message from WAWA, WAWA1 WAWA2 gas card. Its the same for shell and Exxon.
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The problem I am have ing is on the Bills Income reminder tab. I can setup accouts not reminders, Prior to this morning I was able to find the biller when I setup a biller. This morning they are not available. For instance look for Shell Oil it's notonthe list.
When I updated this morning I received the following messages for the three Citi Gas cards.
Prior to this morning these cards were available to setup on the bills income tab.
By the way this happened before the last update this morning. I then update after to the newest verizon
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I'm having the same issue with multiple Citi issued cards. Followed all the steps above and the issue has not been resolved.
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I will call Q tech support today
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As per Q support Citi Retail cards no longer work with Quicken. I have just closed 4 of my Citi retail cards and verified this with Citi.
Quicken as always does a terrible job of informing customers of changes.
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This was posted on 4/23/2024 about the changes to Citi retail cards so something is going on.
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Citi retail dropped Quicken bill reminder. They now require you to use the individual apps ie Exxon, Shell Wawa ….. Thats BS as far as I am concerned. I closed all my Citi retail cards, Adios City…
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I actually was able to add the Citi retail cards bill reminders back to the Bills & Income page by clicking on "Fix It" and following the prompts. Once added. the only option to pay was Check Pay but that was not an issue for me because I do not pay bills through the B&I interface (I tried it for a while but there were too many problems). Since Quicken stopped importing pending bill payments from Bank of America, I pay bills at the BoA website and just enter payments to my register from the B&I page.
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I actually get BOA bill PDF on my bills and income page. Basically I do what you do just to enter my bills directly into the register.