Tangerine Express Web Connect for Quicken Deluxe doesn't work but QuickBooks self-employed works


Tangerine Express Web Connect for Windows Quicken Deluxe (CDN) doesn't work; Royal Bank of Canada works fine. I manually download transactions (Web Connect) for Tangerine. I paid for a subscription to QuickBooks self-employed today and, it connects perfectly to my Tangerine and RBC accounts; online syncing, no manual downloading. I do want the personal budgeting features of Quicken but, manually downloading transactions, and ensuring the offline and online amounts are equal without duplicate transactions, is a chore. I will contact their technical support later this week to ask if it can be fixed or, ask for a pro-rated refund on the yearly subscription. Quicken has good value for the features (I used to use Mint.com) if it online syncs with Tangerine otherwise, I might upgrade QuickBooks subscription for the budgeting features (splitting business and personal expenses is nice).