I can't create or connect to Citizens Access online savings account via Quicken for Mac

pamela Member

For about a week, I was unable to connect to my Citizens Access online savings account using Quicken for Mac (Version 7.7.1 (Build 707.53346.100)). I have Mac OS 14.4.1. I tried deeting the account and now, I can't even recreate (add) the account. I contacted Citizens and they were of no help. I called Quicken Support and after being on the phone with them for 40 minutes, I was told, "we will get back to you." That was 2 days ago.

NOTE: I can connect to Citizens via a browser, just not via Quicken.

PLEASE help! If I can't connect, then I have little need to Quicken. Thank you.


  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    AFAIK, the FDP-105 error indicates that the bank is blocking Quicken from accessing the bank servers.
    You may want to try this alternative:
    Deactivate (NOT "delete"*) the account in Quicken.
    Access the account at the bank's website using your browser. Look for a process to download a Quicken-compatible QFX file with the desired date range of transactions (or a month at a time). Import this file into Quicken making sure to select the correct account register.

    Deleting an account register in Quicken also deletes all its transactions and makes for an even bigger problem. All you should have to do is to deactivate the account. This makes it available to receive QFX file downloads.

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