Financial education application idea for young people

skeleton567 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭✭
edited June 13 in The Water Cooler

This idea comes from an article I read about teaching beginning financial skills to middle school students. Maybe Quicken could create a financial management simulation program for students which would introduce managing checking and savings accounts including scheduled deposits for paychecks, scheduled expenses for groceries, billings for utilities, gasoline, vehicle purchase, insurance, rent, a credit card with some automatic billings, random medical expenses, work missed for medical issues, vacation scheduling and travel expenses. A parent or teacher could create a realistic schedule of paychecks and expense billings, and the student could manage optional spending, making payments on time, eventually having automatic deductions for investments, etc. This could be a very good application for public schools to license and teach in place of the old typing/bookkeeping courses


Faithful Q user since 1986, with historical data beginning in 1943, programmer, database designer and developer for 42 years, general troublemaker on Community.Quicken.Com
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