Linked eBills with wrong payment due

I have a number of linked eBills under Bills & Income > Bills. In some cases, the amount due is incorrect on the Bills & Income > Bills page, but correct when I click on "Edit this Instance" or "Edit All Instances". Shouldn't the Bills page match the amount due? See example below for Spectrum:
Bill is linked (blue link icon). Says $74.99 due on 6/1 under Monthly
When I click into "Edit all Instances" you can see "Amount Due" is actually $69.99. It even says "Enter an estimate; the amount will update automatically with each eBill" and yet the amount does not update automatically.
Is this a situation where you've been notified of a price change in the future, but the future hasn't arrived yet and there has not been an actual payment using the new price yet?
If so, I'd wait until the 6/1 payment has recorded. The biller may not have a function available to post future payment amounts ahead of time, until the next monthly bill or statement has been issued.Just guessing …
Let us know what happens on 6/1
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The monthly bill has been issued. It even shows it on the second screenshot above that the biller has posted the payment amount due, but Quicken has not updated the Bill amount to what the biller has posted. It's not exclusive to this biller either - happens with some credit cards consistently.