How do I manually add deposits to my brokerage account for history tracking purposes

I recently moved from Mint to Quicken, and I want to add my history for my brokerage accounts into Quicken Classic. I was able to manage the Reinvest Dividend items just fine, but I am not seeing how I can show that I deposited money into the account nor that I used that money to buy stocks. It seems to just put things as an increase to investments but will not let me add the historical translations. Also, most banks do not have a way for users to generate a QIF file of their transactions.
Thank you for your help
Trevor Strike
Best Answers
@Strike you can manually add a "Deposit" or "Withdrawal" transaction to any investment account to show deposits or withdrawals. Also, you can use "Cash Transferred" transactions for transfers to and from the investment account from other accounts. If you do a Buy or Sold transaction it should automatically use the cash in the investment account.
Some investment transactions can be added directly to the register line, but not all. So, starting out, I would recommend using the "Enter Transactions" button located at the top of the account register under the account name. You can also get to this menu by clicking on "Edit" on any highlighted transaction. To enter a new transaction this way, just click on "Edit" on an empty highlighted transaction at the bottom of the register.
The investment transaction list is long, and the Cash Transactions is towards the bottom of the list. If you enter the first letter of the transaction in the selection window, it will automatically bring you to all the transactions that begin with that letter. Just keep hitting the letter to cycle through all the transactions that begin with that letter.
If you are coming from Mint, there is a transaction import feature that you can use, but I am not sure if it works for investment accounts.
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@Strike - Yes, those placeholder entries need to be deleted. Until you do, cash balance will not be updated appropriately.
@Strike you can manually add a "Deposit" or "Withdrawal" transaction to any investment account to show deposits or withdrawals. Also, you can use "Cash Transferred" transactions for transfers to and from the investment account from other accounts. If you do a Buy or Sold transaction it should automatically use the cash in the investment account.
Some investment transactions can be added directly to the register line, but not all. So, starting out, I would recommend using the "Enter Transactions" button located at the top of the account register under the account name. You can also get to this menu by clicking on "Edit" on any highlighted transaction. To enter a new transaction this way, just click on "Edit" on an empty highlighted transaction at the bottom of the register.
The investment transaction list is long, and the Cash Transactions is towards the bottom of the list. If you enter the first letter of the transaction in the selection window, it will automatically bring you to all the transactions that begin with that letter. Just keep hitting the letter to cycle through all the transactions that begin with that letter.
If you are coming from Mint, there is a transaction import feature that you can use, but I am not sure if it works for investment accounts.
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Thank you for Your help.
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The deposit part worked just fine, but when I do a buy of stock, it does not allow me to say that it came from the cash, and thus it does not decrease the cash balance. I have tried using the QIF converter that someone created, however I am not seeing a field for Cash amount in the investment setting. Below is what I got when I entered the buy manually:
I need the Cash balance to go down. I will look at the import mint files article, but since this is not a mint file, I am not sure if that will work. Mint did not export any of my investments, so I am pulling the files directly from the brokerage firm
Thank you
Trevor Strike
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The mint file import will not work as it requires the following which are not part of investment account data.
Thank you
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@Strike it sounds like you have a "placeholder" transaction that either needs to be accounted for or deleted. Click on this link to get a good explanation of "placeholders" and how to deal with them. Placeholders occur when there is a difference between the number of shares in your Quicken investment account and what is held at the financial institution.
If the placeholder has a zero balance it can be simply deleted. As long as you have a placeholder for the security, even if it is zero, the cash will never update.
If you cannot see any placeholders in your account, then go to Preferences→Investments and make sure that 'Show hidden transactions" is checked.
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Sorry, that does not seem to be the issue. Here are my settings.
The issue is that no matter how I add the transaction, I cannot key into the Cash amount and thus affect the cash balance. I was hoping the GIF converter would do that, but even it does not allow me to do that. The interface with the bank is able to effect the Cash amount, so how can I affect the cash amount when posting an investment?
Thank you
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Also, using the enter missing transactions process only only affects the investment part of the account. It is the same as entering the transactions manually. There is nothing to check to say take from cash balance.
Thank you
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@Strike if you click on the "N/A" in the transaction what message does it give you? The "N/A" usually indicates an issue. Also what account type is the investment account? You can see this in Account Details. When you enter a buy transaction, it defaults to taking cash from the account, so there is nothing you need to do to tell it to take from cash. The cash is entered in the "Total Cost" field.
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Here are the settings for my account. All my investment have been set the same.
When I start entering a transaction, my screen looks like your screenshot, but once I put in the security that I am buying, it removes that section. once I hit save, I get this:
When I click on the N/A, I get this message:
So If I delete the place holder items, will it then let me key these in and effect my cash balance?
Thank you
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@Strike - Yes, those placeholder entries need to be deleted. Until you do, cash balance will not be updated appropriately.
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thank you for all your help