Why does downloading clear all my previously categorized transactions?

marap_a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I recently added a new account (Amex credit card) to my Quicken Classic for Windows account. All my other accounts save the information for the categories that I add to my downloaded transactions without any problems. However, when I download the Amex transactions through Webconnect and then add categories and save them, if I go in at a future time and download transactions again, all of the previously categorized and accepted transactions move back down to the downloaded section. If I don't download, they will remain in my accepted transaction list up top.

Any idea why this is happening? This is the only account I have where this happens so I don't know if I incorrectly set the account up in Quicken or something else. What is weird is when I go to accept the transactions again, it remembers what category I chose for them last time, so something is sticking, but it's not showing as accepted and I would love to avoid this problem moving forward (ideally without having to manually add transactions since I really like the webconnect feature).



  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    when I download the Amex transactions through Webconnect

    Please clarify. Are you

    1. downloading transactions by logging on to the Amex website, selecting transaction download by creating a QFX (Quicken-compatible) file and importing same into Quicken? (Aka Webconnect)
    2. using One Step Update (or "Update Now" from the account register's Actions gear icon), aka Express Webconnect+.

    If you're importing files from the website, it's quite possible that you download previously downloaded transactions again by selecting an incorrect date range or by importing an old QFX file a second time.

    For best results, you should download all your Amex cards using the 2nd method. For one, it works reliably and it knows which transactions have previously been downloaded already and won't present them again.

  • marap_a
    marap_a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am using update now/webconnect. They are downloading fine. Problem is I put in a category and “accept” and then the next time I do an update now/webconnect, they all move back to the bottom under downloaded transactions.

    That is my concern. This works reliably for every other account I have except this one.

  • marap_a
    marap_a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    And to clarify: it isn’t downloading a duplicate transaction. It just seems to move the accepted transactions back down to the (unaccepted) downloaded transaction section.

  • marap_a
    marap_a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have just tried adding yet another account (this time a Chase credit card) and it is doing the same thing. Both are set up for Express Webconnect +, but I have other accounts I set up before that are also set up with that and they work fine. So it's clearly something in how I set up the account in Quicken. All I did was "add account" and then went through the steps to login on the credit card website to connect so it would automatically download my transactions, but it appears each time I use "one step update", it automatically reloads everything as if it were new and clears out any accepted transactions in Quicken. Is this a setting I'm not aware of that I can change?

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