Missing transactions on some accounts and whole years on others

HausFxr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I've been using Quicken since 1987, and I have never encountered anything like this before.

I opened Quicken after having not touched it since April 16th 2024 - the last backup file is on that date - and in one checking account all withdraws/transfers have reverted back to the category that they came in from the bank. All other transactions' categories and notations in that checking account appear correct.

On all of my other accounts, there are missing transactions as if nothing had updated from as far back as October 2022. The last thing I did on April 15th was to create a report. That report is there, it just lacks the information from the missing account transactions. In the account list, it can be seen that I last updated all current accounts on April 13th.

If I open the file I saved from last year on April 15th 2023, the transactions that are now missing from the current accounts registers show 2023 transactions there through April - it's only the April 2024 backups that appear to be corrupted.

Here's the the real issue with this: I can easily download the missing files from the accounts. What takes time is getting the categories correct and those sometimes take research to determine the who and what. That's time taken is what I've lost here.

I tried searching for other reports of this occurring, but I'm not sure what search terms to use. Anyone heard or experienced a similar problem?

Here's the strangest thing: On the account that lost all transactions through October 2022, there is one random transaction from 2023 and one more from 2024.

I have other backups that occurred from April 2023 through April 2024, but I did not update/correct the auto-fill categories there - I'm forced to do that for business accounting only in April.


  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Restore a known-good backup, and then make sure Mobile and Web is not active.

  • QuickUserPSP
    QuickUserPSP Member, Windows Beta Beta

    @HausFxr - Do you have SYNC turned ON to Mobile and Web? Even so, I have heard this happening when the user has sync turned off, which may mean there are other causes to this disconcerting event.

    Quicken, Inc. usually blames data file corruption for events like this, but in my opinion, they need to find a definite cause. Especially since you did nothing to cause the issue. Otherwise it is easy for a user to think their file has been hacked.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Filtered register? Unexpected register sort order? "Missing" data? Unusual Running Balance?
    Did an unexpected mouse click mess up your register?
    Could it be that your account register in Quicken is

    • filtered to show only certain transaction types or
    • sorted in some unexpected way other than by Date or
    • limited to a certain Date Range or
    • perhaps only showing the results of a search instead of "all transactions" or
    • not scrolled all the way to the top or bottom of the register or
    • shows an unusual, perhaps meaningless, balance?

    Filtered register?
    Check the filter settings (on top of the register). Is the register filtered in any way to only show selected transactions? If so, click the Reset button to reset the filters.
    To show all transactions in the register, the Filter settings should be:
    "All Dates", "Any Type", "All Transactions".

    Date Range filter selection excludes the dates you're interested in?
    Check the Date Range filter to see if it prevents you from seeing the dates you're interested in. For example, a Date Range = "This Year" won't show you last year's transactions

    Only Search results shown?
    Is there any text in the Search box at the top of the account register?
    If there is text and a (red) X, click the X to reset the register from showing only search results back to normal mode.
    Unexpected Register sort order?
    Is the register sorted in any way other than by ascending Date? Look at the register's column header ... which column header is highlighted and/or has the little black triangle?

    About Register sort order:
    For best results, your account register should be sorted by Date in ascending order.
    Click a register column header to effect a different sort order by the clicked column. Click the same column header again to toggle between ascending and descending sort order. A small triangle next to the column header indicates the sort order: "▲" pointing up for ascending or "▼" pointing down for descending sort order.
    For more Register Sorting Options, click the Account Actions gear icon then click Sorting Options. Review and work with the available sorting options to see what they do.

    New transactions appear to go missing right after you save them?
    For example, you are entering a number of back-dated transactions and they appear to disappear ... they're most likely above the currently shown transactions page in the register and you have to scroll up to see them. To keep them on the screen, Sorting Option "By Order Entered" will help keep these transactions on the bottom of the register, next to the new transaction entry line. Just don't forget to re-sort the register by Date when you're done.

    Unusual Running Balance?
    If your credit card register shows

    • a Running Balance that is black (positive) when you're sure you're owing money to the bank and it should be red (negative), or vice versa,
    • or it's showing an unusually high positive or negative amount,
    • or it appears to be adding charges to the balance instead of subtracting from it
      please verify that your account register is properly sorted by Date and not filtered.
  • HausFxr
    HausFxr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks Ralph,

    Turned syncing off.

    For the first time ever when I opened Q yesterday, I saw sync pop ups. One time it said it needed to sink for Dropbox too, if I'm remembering correctly. I don't use any external apps - I try to keep my business life separate and don't need to be working 24 hours a day. I suppose it was a recent update that allowed the sync to be activated.

  • HausFxr
    HausFxr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    Meant to thank you too, Quckuser - sync is now off :)

  • HausFxr
    HausFxr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    :) ….

  • HausFxr
    HausFxr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    None of those controls seem to be causing the problem. Time to reload the transactions from the bank and move on.

    Hopefully it was a one time thing!

  • annegchodosh
    annegchodosh Member ✭✭✭

    Thank you. You are my hero. One of my accounts showed only data from 1993 (when I first started using quicken). I had planned to call quicken on Monday, but, I was getting more and more anxious as the weekend. Then, I saw your post and found the sort/filter and changed it to "by date". I think it was "by memo" before. And poof! All my data showed back up. Thank you for giving me a good night's sleep. 🤩

  • MadRanger
    MadRanger Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I encountered a similar issue today - there were no entries in most accounts between 2019 and June 2024 when I went to reconcile account balances. I attributed the issue to an unceremonious exit from the program when power went out recently. From experience with file anomalies, I selected: 'File' from the top command line, selected 'Validate and Repair Your Quicken File' and then selected 'Validate File.' That fixed the problem quickly.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    May I suggest that you invest in a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) system, to protect your desktop computer and all its accessories from unexpected power outages?
    A few years ago I used to live in Georgia where thunderstorms are frequent. Having added a UPS system to my computer saved my bacon numerous times … after I was hit by a similar first-time experience.

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