Help with loan schedule on a lender loan

kfv Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Quicken is not recognizing loan payments on my lender loans and properly updating the Loan Schedule. The Loan Schedule accurately reflects payment dates/amounts, however the payment # on the Loan Schedule is rarely, if ever, recorded with each payment. On my first loan, the Loan Schedule shows the next payment due as payment #1 due 3/1/2024; the actual next payment is #16 due 7/1/2024. On a second lender loan, the Loan Schedule shows the next payment due as payment #4 due 7/1/2024; the actual next payment is #32 due 7/1/2024. Debtor payments are recorded as a deposit into my bank account with the category listed as (for example) "[Lender Loan #1]". Any thoughts about what I'm doing wrong to cause the Loan Schedule and next due to be off and/or how to go back and fix the incorrect information in the Loan Schedule? I have used Quicken for decades and this is the first time I have not been able to resolve an issue on my own. Thank you.



  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Debtor payments are recorded as a deposit into my bank account with the category listed as (for example) "[Lender Loan #1]".

    That means, you are recording payments "through the backdoor".
    You should be using the scheduled payment reminders created during the loan setup process and record them as transfers between checking and loan account BEFORE you match and accept any downloaded transactions in your checking account. This creates a proper transaction pair and should help keep your loan register on schedule.

  • kfv
    kfv Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    UKR, I appreciate the comment. I should have stated that I do use the income reminder to enter the deposit when received. Deposit account transactions are downloaded several days later, are auto-matched and accepted. That's why this has been so hard to understand Quicken's failure to recognize these transactions as loan payments. Per Quicken help and your comment, everything has been set up, entered, matched and accepted correctly. I even tried setting up a "dummy" account with "dummy" income reminders and recorded "dummy" loan payments. Still doesn't record correctly. I'm stumped.

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