R57.12 - Online Billers - My favorite topic :)

R57.12 Release notes show:
Well, possibly true. For the first time in forever, Chase CC actually popped up when due in Online Billers. Too soon to tell if others will follow.
BUT, it is still .01 short of total amount due!! AND, will not change from minimutm to default to total amount due. Looks like it is working, but is not. Always shows the minimum.
One step forward….?
Anyone seeing same?
Citi Bank today and .01 short. As I have said, if this happens to be the minimum due it can create penalties.
American Express popped up in my TEST file with no reminder, but not yet in my LIVE file with a reminder. So this may not be working on all billers. I'll give it another day, then unlink, delete biller, recreate.
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American Express totally borked. Broke all my EWC+ billers marking them as invalid and deleted. Scramble Online Billers. While this could most time simply readd the biller that was broken, now this acted as if it were never there before and changed what was paid, what due, etc. I had to restore from backup and that in itself is never as smooth as one would hope. In this case, I had to reauthorize one of two Chase CC accounts after restore.
Went to my test file and deleted the working American Express online biller, cleared errors with review and repair online billers and readded. Degraded for sure. I think even more issues.
So this "repaired" feature of Online Billers with linked Reminders is most definitely NOT fixed.
But, oddest thing: I have reported that EVERY OSU brings up the OSU SETTINGS rather tan going to perform the OSU. When Am,erican Express was removed this now works as expected and does not go to settings, but rather right to the update. Go figure.0 -
Here's perhaps the oddest yet: One of my Chase accounts picked up the Online Bill tonight right on time, but LAST MONTHS amount due less .01.
Oy. Still the short .01 (same with Citi) but now not even the current month. Yes, I reported it.
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Unbelievably, Chase righted itself to showing the proper online biller ampount today. I have no explanation.
Next, I shall try to fix Citi. My TEST file shows two options for Citi - Citibank and citi cards. Which shoul dbe chosen? I'll search these forums for a clue.
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All I get is a still connecting window on ALL of my bills. At least you can get that fat, i have been trying for over 2 years to get it to work…3 completely new files built from scratch and the same result every time. It worked flawlessly for several years before that.
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OK, this month so far:
Adobe had to be refreshed to pick up the bill. Would love to know how to fix those as they happen too often for several billers.
Citi on time, but yet again .01 short of amount due. I cannot fathom how that can happen as there should be no rounding in scraping a bill. It is what it is!
One Chase is late now. Will wait before "trying": to refresh.
4 more to go.
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OK, here is an unusual one:
One Chase card Online Biller was 5 days late or so. I tried Refresh Biller and no chanhge. So being impatient, I unlinked from my reminder, deleted the biller. Went to add the biller. Now, not only were there two identical Chase billers to add when I searched (same URL's), when I clicked the first it saw the CC I had just deleted (a new feature in what, last 6 months?) and I could select, add and relink. All good. BUT it would only show the minimum amount due as both the minimum and total amounts. Even though my reminder had the accurate total amount due. So I had to manually change the amount.
That's a first where ONLY the minum is entered in an Online Biller and is shown as the total amount as well. So, a new glitch.
3 more to go this month.
I hope some of this helps other users or Quicken. Even just to show its not only you.