How can I get my registers to show more than 2024, when I've been using them since 2015?

I have an iMac, 2014, running Mojave 10.14.6, and running Quicken 2015, v. 2.9.7. Until yesterday, all 5 of my registers were complete from the date started (some back in 2015). Then, I noticed in searching for a transaction from a previous year, the registers only portray 2024. How can I get the complete registers back? I'm trying to get some financials together for our taxes (extension filed). Help!
Best Answers
If you have the correct data file open (which contains the data), then I would click on Reset Filters at the top to allow it to show all transactions in that register. You might have inadvertently applied a different date filter:
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Thanks so much! I knew it had to be some button I'd inadvertently pressed. I really appreciate the quick response :-)
If you have the correct data file open (which contains the data), then I would click on Reset Filters at the top to allow it to show all transactions in that register. You might have inadvertently applied a different date filter:
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Thanks so much! I knew it had to be some button I'd inadvertently pressed. I really appreciate the quick response :-)