Coming back to Quicken

dmaas Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

I'm on a Mac. Until about 4 years ago, I was good at keeping my financial data in Quicken up to date. But in the last 4 years I only updated a few accounts, and about a year ago I pretty much stopped updating everything. I have the time for Quicken now, and want to use it again. What do you suggest — should I start up again with the old data file, or create a new one? I have a few new accounts, and a few have been dropped, but otherwise my accounts are pretty much the same. The old data file has years of information, and it would be nice to keep using it, but not if it's going to require a lot of work.


  • crwalejr
    crwalejr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Depends on how important all of the data history is to you. It certainly would be easier to just start a Quicken file effective 01/01/2024. When you add accounts and do an initial download from your financial institutions you will find that a lot of history will populate in the account download. Keep what you want and delete what you don't. It will take some time to get it the way you want but you will be happy your did.

  • rsmaxima
    rsmaxima I do not have Quicken yet Unconfirmed, Member

    I used to use quicken for windows running on a Mac starting in the 90’s, and since I hate windows and the only reason I ran windows was to use quicken, I gave quicken up around 2007/2008 timeframe. I kept watching while quicken started their Mac version but early on the Mac version had issue and didn’t do everything the windows version did. I just started looking at quicken again in 2024 and people are still saying the Mac version still lags the windows version. Is this still true? I’m looking at the classic premier version, not the business version.

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