Allow the Split Transactions Screen to be adjustable, like the Transactions screens

WendyN Quicken Windows 2016 Member
edited July 15 in Display/UI

I have the Classic Home & Business version of Quicken. Due to a number of rentals properties and other allocations, I use the Split Transactions to break down a variety of expenses most of the time. Unfortunately, the screen won't allow it to be enlarged (left/right/top/bottom) or even allow movement within it, via the columns like the transactions screens do. At quick glance, I can only see a couple of inches of description unless I hover over the line field. It causes me extra time when I have some repeated descriptions but a date or item number just needs to be changed - for which I have to access it, scroll over or back, and make the change — just slows down the process. Years ago, adding lines was added - which was VERY helpful to me; so I'm hoping making this screen more size-friendly can happen soon. Thanks in advance.

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  • Randy 415
    Randy 415 Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    edited July 18

    Agree. Being able to resize that window would be helpful when inputting complex transactions with many split items. And allow column adjustments. Sometimes, we have very long category names, and tags.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    What would be even nicer is if the Split Transaction dialog automatically adjusted its size and column width to the maximum length used within the Category, Tag or Memo fields of the current transaction. Of course, the maximum size of the dialog window should not exceed the Quicken window size. If necessary, a single Split line should expand itself to a height of two or more lines whenever necessary to display the entire text.

    This should be similar to Excel Spreadsheets or Word Document table cells which expand in width or height as needed, yet remain within the confines of the page width or window size.