Matching download data with manage bill & income reminders auto register posting
I am having increasing trouble with the register line that has been posted from the manage bill & income function and what is downloaded from the bank and/or brokerage. One of our SS checks comes in 3rd of the month, but if the 3rd is on a Saturday or Sunday - the feds deposit on the Friday before. I suspect that Quicken first looks at the date and then looks at $$ and no match on a date & $$, Quicken inserts a new line entry. But the entry from manage bills has some monthly automatic deduction, which the new line entry doesn't have. We also get an SS check on the 3 Wednesday of the month, so that check can be deposited anywhere from the 15th to the 21st. I have auto ACH transfers from Chas Schwab to our PNC bank account twice a month. Schwab doesn't have the function to transfer every 2 weeks to keep the deposit on a business day, but the transaction date in Schwab is on the day of the transfer and the PNC date in the register the date it received it, making the transaction show up one day apart. When I go to reconcile accounts at the end of the month, accounts don't tie out and I have to go and track down the reason(s).
Would suggest that the software starts looking for $$ and +/- 7 days of the date. If only one matching $$$ in the register, presume that it is a match and/or put a notation in the uncategorized transaction section on the home page. It seems the more I try to automate transactions, the more I have to manually correct, which IMO should be handled by the system.
To make things easier, I recommend you change your download method to "NOT automatically accept downloaded transactions" into your registers. This will avoid creating new, duplicate, uncategorized transactions whenever there's some kind of date mismatch between register transactions and downloaded transactions.
If your Scheduled Reminder, or the register transaction that is created when posting the reminder, is dated on the exact date the deposit is due but the actual deposit arrives early, then, yes, Quicken will not match the download with the register transaction.
For the last couple of months, ever since my bank started posting my Soc Sec deposits early, I had to edit the register transaction and change its date to the actual arrival date, to make the downloaded transaction match the register transaction.I'm afraid, you will have to do the same until further notice.
What might help the situation with early Soc Sec deposits would be a new Due Date calculation routine for the Scheduled Reminders:
Due next on [mm/dd/yyyy] 3rd Wednesday of every month minus [x] business days
where [x] is 2 or 3, depending on when your bank actually posts the deposit. The date calculation needs to be able to recognize weekends and holidays when subtracting [x] days from Due Date.
(And No, you can't change to "3rd Monday" or any other "3rd weekday" as that might result in being a week off. Go ahead, look at a monthly calendar and mark the date a 3rd Wednesday falls on in every month of a year. Then do the same with a 3rd Monday and a 3rd Friday or a 2nd Friday …)0