Vanguard Cash Plus - Netting Entries...???

Mitch104 Member ✭✭✭

I receive monthly interest income from my Vanguard Cash Plus account. It enters as IntInc on one line, then MiscExp on the next line. I have to delete the MiscExp line to bring the account to the proper balance. Am I doing something wrong here? I want to use this account to pay my mortgage and tuition bills, and having to manually delete exp entries when they shouldn't be there is annoying. Thanks.


  • Bob_L
    Bob_L SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 7

    Vanguard direct connect is the problem. Many of us have complained but no joy yet. In addition to the problem you cite is another one that payee information is not provided in the download but should be to be useful.

    The more voices complaining the better chance they will fix it. (I closed my account as it wasn't worth the hassle)

    Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Home

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