Come on Quicken and Schwab! Figure this out!

To anyone who is having trouble with Schwab - if you are getting CC-501 or CC-506 errors - the problem could be happening to you if you have more than one log on. For instance, I have a Schwab log on and so does my husband. Quicken started sending me error messages on 7/15/2024 and has not corrected itself since. What seems to be the problem (after calling Quicken support twice) is that the server Schwab uses cannot support more than one log in connection to Quicken at a time. In my family, we actually have THREE log ins for something like 11 accounts. Two accounts are not connecting regularly, and I have to reauthorize/reset several accounts every day. It seems almost random when it works and when it doesn't. The problem is the server Schwab is using. Other vendors, such as Fidelity, Bank of America, Amex, etc. use a different server so can support more than one log on per Quicken File. As FYI, even when creating a separate file for each Schwab user log on I occasionally get the same error messages. Come on Quicken and Schwab you can make this work for your mutual clients!
We have nine accounts set up on Schwab. Two accounts are mine, 5 accounts are my wife's, and two are joint accounts. We signed documents with Schwab that allows total access to all accounts regardless of whether I login in under my credentials or my wife. Having done that when I direct connect in Quicken, I just login to Schwab using one of the accounts and connect all of the accounts to Quicken. We have never had the problem you mention. This may not be an option for you as I don't know if you mind sharing total access with your spouse. Good luck!
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You are right - that would sort out my husband and me. I think I figured out what "broke" the whole set up in the first place. We added a new account to Schwab that has a really large number of stocks in it, so many that when I isolated a file for just that one account Quicken and Schwab failed over and over. My solution was to set up a file for me with only the accounts to which I have access, then a file for my son for only his accounts, we which kept separate in Quicken reporting anyway, and then one main file for everything else. All I have to do is watch to see if any of the accounts to which only I have access have any transactions and then manually enter the transactions in the same account in the main file. It hardly ever happens. I don't update the account with the many items in it using Quicken at all, I just update a running total once in a while. Thank you for your advice. If I was starting over with Schwab I would do what you suggested.
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Can I get some clarification. We have seven Schwab accounts between my wife and me. Some, like retirement (Roth) accounts are supposed to be individual ownership, but we have Powers of Attorney on file for online access. Further adding to the situation is the Mother-In-Law's trust and MIL's inherited IRA which are primary for wife, but also POA in place. For logging in to the Schwab website, these accounts are grouped with log in identities to honor the original 'singular' ownerships or 'joint' ownerships. So TBD if in the background, this somehow confuses Quicken.
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@William Toperzer
Hi yes I can give you clarification. Apparently the server that Schwab uses cannot log into two accounts at the same time when you are updating Quicken. What I mean is if you have one account and your wife has one account with Schwab, and similarly you have your 401k with Fidelity and so does you wife, Quicken is able to log into and download the transactions from both Fidelity accounts but only from one Schwab account. Fidelity uses a different server than Schwab. It doesn't have anything to do with joint ownership or POA but rather the credentials to log into the accounts. Quicken gets confused and frozen when there is more than one log in with Schwab. Also, it was working just fine for me for years and then I opened a new account with Schwab that has over 100 stocks in it. (Long story) That account was the straw that broke the camel's back. There was so much in that account to download and sync that neither Quicken nor Schwab could handle it. If you are not getting the dreaded CC-501 error then you are fine!
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Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I am getting random mix of CC-501 and CC-506 and sometimes CC-800 errors for Schwab downloads.
In one long-established Quicken file, which is only two Schwab accounts (deceased father's trust) where I get the CC-501, both of those accounts only have me as the common log in. So does that count as the 'two accounts' that the Schwab / Quicken server cannot handle? That is ludicrous. Seems to be a problem that only began a few years ago. Am I supposed to only have separate Quicken files for each Schwab account. Since there is no known way to split the Quicken file into two, am I supposed to start a whole new Quicken file for one of those Schwab accounts and deactivate it for downloads in the original file?
In the other Quicken file with seven Schwab account they are a mix of my and my wife's files with the same stories when Quicken throws the CC errors and when it supposedly downloads — or at least handshakes with all when some don't have new transactions. I'm also trying to figure out why, as part of the process, Quicken shows the accounts in three separate groups (that don't match ownership) by their account numbers.
So what's the solution? Split all of these into new indivisual files? Any reason Quicken can't lobby Schwab to fix the server problem. Not like they don't have huge server capacity? 15 years ago, I used to work 1/4 mile from one of their newly built ones that has absolutly no identification what the building is. Absolute fortress.
I've got a call scheduled from Quicken support 9/11 to try and sort this out.
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Can you access all the Schwab accounts you want to set up in Quicken under the same login?
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Yes, based on having Power of Attorney in place for wife's accounts that grants me access via Quicken and directly to Schwab web site.
Different login for father's trust accounts because I am intentionaly keeping a separate login for those.
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And if you have them in a separate file for Quicken you won't break anything. But if it isn't broken now then Carry On! I wish I hadn't broken mine!
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@crwalejr Hi sorry I missed this question. Yes, any accounts I have access to within one login I can access and download. That includes any joint accounts. It's only breaks down when I am trying to download transactions to accounts that are in a different login. We have three logins. My workaround is all the accounts are in one main file and the login with the with access to the most accounts is in the main file. All accounts are in this main file so I can update their prices every day, I just am not actively downloading transactions to those accounts in the main file. I have two other quicken files - one for each of the Schwab logins and then once in a while I manually update the transactions to the main file. I hope one day this forum will report that Schwab switched servers so I can stop doing the manual work.
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Yes, that is exactly what is happening. I knew I had more error messages but I couldn't remember what they all were. So here is the workaround:
Deactivate online services for the accounts that can only be accessed under your Dad's Trust or your Dad's login. Deactivate the online services for accounts that can be accessed through either your Dad's login or your own login, then reactivate them using your login. Make sure only the accounts that connect to your Schwab login are activated in your Main file. (I call it Main File because I assume you probably have credit cards, 401Ks, mortgage or whatever feeding into your file so you can see everything in one snap shot.) Then -
File > NewFile > New Quicken File (Not new Quicken Account)
Set up a separate file for your Dad and use his log in only to keep track of those account transactions.
Your main account will update with things like changes in the market but you will have to periodically manually update if there are dividends or whatever if you want to have ALL things in one account. I took a picture of my setup. It's blurry but I hope it shows you what I did visually.
I hope this helps you. I used Quicken Support a bunch of times and the very last time I finally understood that if one quicken file is trying to access more than one Schwab login, all these error messages happened.
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I already have Dad's two Schwab accounts in a separate file and never had any intention to co-mingle them with my Main file.
The problem is within Dad's file, one or the other of those two accounts repeatedly throws the CC-501 or sometimes goes straight to this Connectivity Problem's screen. Sometimes I get the CC-800 for both accounts simultaneously. I guess I could experiment and try the Update Transactions individually for each account versus One Step.
Still the complexity in the Main account with its seven Schwab accounts and its mix of 501 506 and 800. Yesterday, one account (Schwab One) fully failed to even show as downloading and hadn't updated since end of June. Disabled it and did an add account which said it downloaded las 89 days of activity which was a few days of overlap when downloading stopped. Disabled it and renabled the original, but that one still did not update the missing transactions. I can move from new to original, but will hold off until I have the Quicken phone call.
Peeling those off into separate Quicken files will be a real pain in the a__. Plus leaving the history behind which will throw off Net Worth totals. Alternatively avoiding One Step Download will also be a PITA because I would have to individually download transactions for all the other non-Schwab bank accounts.
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Go to the top menu: Quicken > Preferences > Connected Services. Are you connected to the cloud services?
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On mine, there is no Connected Services. Closest is Mobile and Web if that is your intent. No, not connected. Tried Mobile (App) years ago and it crashed. Contacted Support and they agreed that files of my size are too large for Mobile (and I assume Cloud). I am accessing via WebConnect.
Is there something from your question that you think solves the Schwab problem?
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It was a problem for me. I found when sync was turned on in the preferences it created problems for me. When sync was on, and I tried to deactivate and reactivate a Schwab Account Online Service I would continue to get CC errors. What I finally found worked for me, was to deactivate all of my Schwab accounts in Online Services. Next, I turned Off Sync in Preferences. I then closed Quicken and reopened it. After reopening Quicken, I reactivated each of the Schwab accounts anew. All Schwab accounts activated with no errors. No problems since…other than the problem over the last couple of months where transactions imported in the Schwab accounts are off by a day. But that is a separate issue from what you are asking.
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Also, by the way, I am able to Web Connect ALL of my accounts with Schwab using only one of my two available logins because we filled out a form with Schwab that instructed them to have all of our accounts appear and be available regardless of which login ID we used.
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@crwalejr I think if we had signed the forms to have all accounts visible under one login that would have helped. That never occurred to me. I have to manually reconcile some other accounts anyway so I just added the extra one to my list each quarter. Also, I just checked and I too turned off syncing to mobile and I think that helped me.
@William Toperzer I really hope that support can help you. It sounds like you might have gotten to a higher level of support than I ever did. I will say if you have any account that has a LOT in it Quicken does what your images did to me too. I have one account I just had to give up on and I track the balance only. Not the stocks in the balance.
I wish you luck and please tell us if you get a fix from Support!
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I am in the midst of working with QuickenTech Support over multiple days to try creating new file with only Schwab accounts on my side. So far they are updating with no glitches. TBD migrating the other bank and credit card accounts, etc.
I also jumped the gun on father's accounts to export as QIF file and import into a new clean file. So far it looks like most everything transferred well. Ran a validate which made two pages of corrections that I need to look at one-by-one. Ran second validate which shows zero conflicts. Set up Online and got the overlap of Matched prior entries and new along with cash matching for Quicken and Schwab website. So looks like that will the approach to bypass the file error.
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The first thing you did sounds like what worked for me. The second thing with the QIF file I have not tried. I am glad it is starting to work for you.
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After working with great Support Rep Natalie in Boise ID, we confirmed the fix for the CC-501, CC-506 and CC-800 is to pull all the data from both 'corrupted' files — Father's Trust Schwab accounts and my / wife's overall personal Quicken file including 7 mixed Schwab accounts — into two new clean empty files via QIF Export / Import. (Test runs with establishing two new respective files, with just Schwab, to test downloading over a few days did not trigger any CC.)
If you do that, look up the instructions and follow them carefully including having all the accounts reconciled. I have done that for Father's and TBD will do soon for mine. Be prepared for the process just to get to the new file to take hours; the Export was relatively quick, the import took about 2 hours to build. Definitely do the Validate afterwards (twice) and save the output to see what Quicken corrects in a clean Quicken file. Natalie agreed Quicken program does a good job with that. Scrolling up and down is quicker in these new files (with the same data size).
For Father's Schwab Cash account (which is the one you can Reconcile), which I had spent days re-Reconciling after a lapse doing reconcile years ago and then missing paper statements for a period (long story) to bring it current (still with a couple of Balance Adjustments) the Import erased the R designations randomly back to year 1 for about 30% of the transactions. I will spot check versus paper, but find that I can highlight a page-at-a-time and restore R via Right-Click > Reconcile Status. If I don't do that, any current Reconcile will have thousands of lines to clear. Natile agreed this was not uncommon. TBD the extent it happens when I do QIF for personal Quicken file (Schwab and banks and credit cards).
In addition, QIF removed the Hide designation for dozens of items in the Account List - primarily old purchased and matured CDs.
After I enabled and ran Download for the imported QIF file, the handshake pulled the normal prior 89 days of transactions which behaved well to accept those that showed Match as well as accept the new ones. It posted a few placeholders that were primarily for instances where (for an unknown reason) the transaction name for a stock changes over time and I need to converge transactions to the latest name if still active holding. Had to do that previously for the Reconcile process to clean up the Securities List.
While I had Natalie on the line (twice) I discussed Archiving and how when I tested it using an old Backup file, I noticed that the file size did not shrink much and there were still transactions well back into the 10 years I archived. After doing more research, it appears the program retains any transactions that are securities / investment related and only delets things like checks from the active file and retains them in the archive file. So TBD if I am going to consider Archive once I get through all this QIF work and then experiment from a backup of the clean files.
We briefly discussed that the only remaining Schwab issues (for which some comment in Community) is infrequent duplicate downloading of transactions and the calendar days shift. Natalie agreed that is a quirk of the Servers. Since I have manual (not automatic) acceptance of Downloaded Transactions, I catch these whereas those using Automatic will have errors.
So I think this will wrap this up for me. To jmfarone's original comment to open this posting series, the problem was on my side with large files with lots of history that flagged 'a corruption exists' when you run Validate despite working (mostly) for everything except downloads. Quicken reps can help walk you through, but the CC faults do not appear to be with the program or the Servers. The steps to Deactivate / Reactivate and Refresh are only band-aids. Years ago, my prior calls to tech support (can't remember issues at the time) had recommended starting over with a fresh file (and ignoring history), but had not gotten into QIF Export / Import approach.