Unable to Add "Related Item" for Institution

I noticed that some of the Institutions have multiple items included in "Related Items" for situations where there are multiple accounts at the institution. However, I am unable to add a new Related Item to an Institution.


  • Quicken Kirby
    Quicken Kirby I do not have Quicken yet Member, Moderator ✭✭

    Hi there, @Birdman24,

    Thanks for posting about this. We do display the 'related items' on the Institution. For now, this shows the items that use this Institution.

    If you have another account or bill or other item, when you add this institution to it, it will show that in the 'related items' area.

    I hope this helps and I'd love to know more about how to make LifeHub work better for you any time.


    Quicken Kirby