Deleting monthly bill reminder
Good Day,
I set up a bill reminder for Medicare when I turned 65 a couple years ago. This January I signed up for an Advantage plan that now takes care of any payments to Medicare.
Problem is that now I can not delete this reminder and keeps showing up in my list of bills to pay with a Fix It like there is a problem with getting the on-line billing. I have tried Validation and Fixing the Quicken Classic file and it shows no errors. Whenever I try and delete the reminder it comes up with the following pop-up message:
Well the few moments have not turned into over 6 months and I would like to get rid of this reminder. When I click on the Fix It I get a pop-up;
And it just goes around in circles. Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Have you tried the "Review and Repair Online Billers" function?
You should be able to Delete Biller after that.