Show which expense transactions are associated with an invoice

msoultan Member ✭✭

Right now if you include expenses on your transactions, it just pastes the transaction amount and then there really isn't any identifying information to show you which expense transaction was used, or even in what account that transaction lives. While it may not be that big of a deal when you initially create the invoice, if you come back to that transaction later (like a year later), you could have a difficult time tracking down those attached expenses.

Instead, similar to how Quicken allows you to go to a matching transfer, Quicken should keep record of the exact expense transactions that were included on the invoice so that you can easily jump to them at any later point in time.

Further, if you delete any expenses from an invoice, Quicken should free up those expenses to be used elsewhere (i.e. if it was added by mistake). Right now you need to find the expense and then uncheck the E and then recheck the E for Quicken to allow that transaction to be included as an expense on an invoice.

1 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated

Note - Anything you type in the Memo field for the expensed transaction will show up in the Description field on the invoice.


  • msoultan
    msoultan Member ✭✭

    I am just starting to use Quicken and I'm trying to understand how business expenses are handled. There are essentially two expenses I'm trying to address - expenses that are just stuff I purchase for the business, and those that are associated with invoices. When I need to print out all of my expenses for tax purposes, does Quicken separate the general business expenses from the invoice expenses? And if so, how does it know to do this? Is it based on the "E" tag that is set on the business transactions that are then included in invoices - i.e. ignoring that "Expensed" transaction in the credit card register and using the expense in the invoice that was categorized as a business expense? And if I don't tag the transaction with an "E", does it end up counting that transaction as a business expense? That then raises the point that I must make sure to mark all invoice expenses with the "E" (and not just manually add an expense line-item to the invoice) otherwise it would double count that item as a write-off (one from the CC register and the other from the invoice).

    As far as I can tell there's no way to associate an invoice to it's expensed transactions - if you would like to see this feature, please upvote this suggestion: