Net Worth Not Matching Up Between Dashboard and Sidebar (Q Mac)

Austin@ Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
edited October 2024 in Investing (Mac)

There is a discrepancy between my Net Worth as it shows on the dashboard card versus the sidebar. On the Net Worth graph on the dashboard card there is a weird jump in the amount (circled below) that from what I can tell coincides with a rollover I did from one 401k to another, so that may be what is throwing things off.

Any ideas as to what I did wrong recording the rollover that could cause this to happen?


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Howdy, Austin:

    I suspect your 401k rollover isn't the culprit; it might explain the strange change in your net worth graph, but not the discrepancy in the sidebar. Your sidebar will show the current NPV of your investment accounts, so the sidebar will reflect this as well.

    What I do suspect is your issue is from scheduled transactions (bill reminders). These will affect the balance in the sidebar, and not the Net Worth graph you show. Either you have some older ones in one or more accounts that you haven't acted on, or, you have your sidebar set to show Projected Balances which will also include future unposted scheduled transactions.

    I would look into this first.

  • Austin@
    Austin@ Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    Hey @John_in_NC, thanks for the response.

    I checked to make sure I am showing Today's Balance in the sidebar, and double-checked all of my accounts to make sure I don't have any scheduled transactions that weren't properly marked as paid. I also checked for balance adjustments (both live and opening), opening balances, etc. and can't find anything amiss.

    I'm baffled as to what is throwing off the Net Worth Dashboard card. It does seem to be somehow related to when I rolled an old employer's 401k plan into my current employer's 401k plan. Prior to the rollover, the net worth graph and amount on the dashboard card showed correctly and matched the total in the sidebar. When clicking on the month in the net worth graph (which opens a report) before things went wonky, here is how the amounts looked between the two 401k accounts:

    All good, everything above is correct and accurately reflects what the amounts were prior to rolling over funds from the old to the new 401k. When the rollover happened, I recorded it as a Sell transaction in the old 401k, which generated cash, which was then transferred into the new 401k, and then followed by a "Buy" transaction in the new 401k for the amount of the cash that was transferred. I then closed the old 401k account as it had a balance of $0.

    When I click on the net worth graph for the month after the rollover happened, here is what it shows:

    If the old 401k showed a $0 balance like it should, all would be well and the total retirement would be just the new 401k amount.

    Oddly enough, when I click on the (incorrect) $52,721.27 amount of the old 401k in this report, the granular report that opens up accurately shows that the balance is actually 0:

    At this point, I have no idea what is going on. I'm wondering if it's possible that there is a bug in the Net Worth Dashboard card. Any other thoughts or ideas you have would be great appreciated. Also, hopefully I'm making sense. It's hard to explain what's going on, so hopefully the screenshots help. Thanks!

  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Hi, again, Austin@.

    Without being there, it definitely is hard to see what is going on (although your screenshots help!) But, it sounds like you are savvy enough to be looking at the usual culprits. You have eliminated scheduled transactions, and I assume these are all the same currencies. Perhaps looking at the Portfolio, Dashboard, and Transactions view of the old 401k might yield why it is still including your sold off securities. I questioned an automated placeholder being generated, but you should see this in the sidebar (unless you have hidden the account already.)

    More often than not, what people think is a bug isn't-but you appear to be doing your due diligence here. If you still can't find the reason, I would use Help:Report a problem to show your issue. Good luck.

  • Austin@
    Austin@ Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    @John_in_NC Thank you again for your thoughts, I really appreciate it! I still haven't been able to track down anything that could explain the discrepancies (no scheduled transactions, all same currency, Portfolio, Dashboard, and Transactions view all look correct and show 0 shares and 0 cash). I'll reach out to support and see if I can make any headway there. I really appreciate your help though!

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