Support for downloading bond prices

cmr Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
edited October 2024 in Investing (Mac)

Is there a way we could request Quicken to add a feature that will down load bond prices? I've got 100's of bonds and brokered CDs through Fidelity and Quicken appears to have no way of using the CUSIP to download current pricing information. As a result all my bond holdings in Quicken remain at the original purchase price unless I update them manually.


  • RickO
    RickO Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I have several dozen individual bonds and CDs in a Fidelity account and Quicken downloads their prices every day. I'm not sure why they would not be in your case. In my case, the CUSIP is entered in the Symbol field in the Security Details in QMac. I did not manually enter these. Rather, they were created on the first Buy transaction for each bond downloaded from Fidelity.

    One example below. Note that I have never manually entered any price data.

    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • cmr
    cmr Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2024

    Interesting. So it does seem that I can download quotes for about 10% of my bond holdings, but for the other 90% it doesn't work. It complains that the symbol is invalid. See below. I'll have to fiddle around with this a bit more, must be some setting that is incorrect on the majority of bond holdings that aren't working.

  • RickO
    RickO Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I tested the one you show: "02589AEG3", and I get the same thing. Then I tested Rebuild Price History on one that's in my database (31418EMS6) and I also got the same Unknown Security message. Yet for 31418EMS6, there is complete price history going back thru 4/2023. That could only have been populated by price updates or downloads from Fidelity. I do download pretty much every day, so even on a day when I have no new Fidelity transactions, that could maybe be causing the price updates (as opposed to a quote check).

    I'm at a loss to explain it.

    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
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