No way to cancel transaction matching when pressing "Accept All" button

msoultan Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I recently pressed Accept All to accept transactions into my register and I was presented with a prompt to match transactions with my PayPal account - problem is, I wasn't sure if that was correct because on that same day I had a refund to my PayPal account which went back to my personal card, and on that same day I had a purchase for the same exact amount as the refund to the same company, but through my business card (skipping PayPal entirely). Once I realized that I might not want the match, I hit escape, but Quicken still went ahead and did something (I'm not sure if it automatically chose "yes" or "no).

In the end I had to use the "Undo Accept All" command and then I was able to clean things up, but really there should be a "Cancel" button on the dialog asking if you want to match something, and then if Cancel is pressed (or you hit escape), the "Accept All" action should be canceled and no actions taken.

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