Include multiple accounts when using automatic seasonal bill estimates
I recently switched banks and so closed the old account and opened a new account. Now the bill estimates that are seasonal do not work anymore and I end up with an estimate of zero dollars. I rely on those estimates to keep my forward looking balances intact and use that information for budgetary purposes. Now my estimates are now accurate anymore. If I could include accounts that the bill estimate can use than this information would register again. Frankly I don't understand why this is not already supported as this is a common occurrence.
Please add an account select list that will allow for any selectable available account when using the bill and income reminders in the edit window.
Thank you,
Robert Gatze
Well, I spoke too soon. It turns out that it does see amounts from closed accounts. I had an issue where a specific bill had a credit last year and so i didn't have payments for several months. I noticed other bill reminders that work fine.
So please close this request.