Wish: Paste Transactions ... (plus a month or others)

topnotcher Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I frequently cut and paste transactions every month (10 per month from last month). All I change are the dates and amounts to match this months bills. I would love (similar to Excel) have a paste … which would invoke a really cool option dialog box like with options like modify date by adding a month…..and others like modify amounts while pasting (while showing the memos).


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If these transactions have been memorized to the Memorized Payee List, you don't have to Copy and Paste Transactions.

    Simply go to the register's new transaction line, enter the due date and then begin typing the Payee Name. The popup selection list will allow you to pick and choose from the list. This gives you a new transaction with all fields filled in from the Memorized Payee List entry. Finish making any necessary changes, e.g., enter the correct amount, and you're all set.
    Repeat for the other transactions.

    If these transactions are regular monthly payments and/or your paycheck, you can use the Scheduled Bill and Income Reminders function (from the Tools Menu) instead.
    Select one of these transactions from the register, right-click it to get a popup menu and select "Add reminder".
    Fill out the form to create a monthly reminder.
    When the next payment comes due (usually a few days before Due Date), from either the register where the reminder will begin to show as if it was a real register transaction already or from the Scheduled Bill and Income Reminders view select the reminder, review it to make changes as needed and enter the reminder into the transaction register.
    Repeat for the other reminders.

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