Exportable table view for Home & Property with values, totals, etc.

hotrod247 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I was planning to move from a MS Access home inventory database to LifeHub. However, the lack of this type of global report 'visibility' is prohibitive. I should be able to view and export a line item list for these assets, especially in the case of insurance claims. I am looking at creating 100+ line items, so an import from Excel would also be a nice feature.

1 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • hotrod247
    hotrod247 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I should note that I have stopped using LifeHub until it is 'ready'.

  • Quicken Kirby
    Quicken Kirby I do not have Quicken yet Member, Moderator ✭✭

    Hi there, @hotrod247,
    Thanks so much for the request. I have a few questions and am very interested in adding both import and export via csv.

    First, do you have all the item types you need to represent your inventory? Are there other types? Do you want to associate them with properties? Rooms? Do you have all of the fields you need for property items, like do you need purchase price added? Or, other fields?

    Adding import and export is in my plans for LifeHub in the next two quarters. Thanks for your help in defining how it should work.

    thanks, kirby

  • Quicken Kirby
    Quicken Kirby I do not have Quicken yet Member, Moderator ✭✭

    One more question, @hotrod247,

    Do we need to also download any attached images/files?
