Migrating QuickBooks Desktop Mac data to Quicken Classic Business & Personal (Mac)

I looked for instructions for migrating QuickBooks Desktop Mac 2021 data to Quicken Classic Business & Personal Version on a QuickBooks site.
I found this page:
"Convert from QuickBooks Desktop to Quicken"
… but the steps don't all match the QuickBooks interface I have. I think those instructions were written for a Windows version. I posted there asking if there are instructions for QuickBooks Desktop Mac.
Does anyone have any useful links, and/or experience doing this that you'd like to share?
Before I bought the Business & Personal version, Quicken promised me I could migrate my QuickBooks data to Quicken B&P, and there must be plenty of people who need to do this migration, or who have already done it.
I've just started dabbling with how to do this using the Windows(?) QuickBooks (and maybe Windows Quicken version as well) instructions, but it requires improvising and trial and error. I have a testing copy of my Quicken data file I'll be using in my experiment (for the import part).
I have found Quicken resources for matching up categories, etc., once data has been imported, but at this stage, I'm focusing on (just) the exporting and importing of data.
The article that you found is geared to the windows products. Even there, migrating from QB to Quicken is really not realistic so it’s surprising to me that that article even exists. On the Mac side of things, there is no convenient means of importing Customers, Vendors, chart of accounts, much less transactions etc from QB Mac into Quicken Mac. If you have accounts receivable, inventory, payroll with tax liability accounts, sales tax liability, customer deposits/retainers (also balance sheet liability account) etc etc … there is no corresponding function in Quicken today.
Depending on what you are doing in QuickBooks, there may in fact be no way to even run the same business in QMac since Quicken is not a full fledged accounting package like QuickBooks. So, be sure that QMac can do what you want before spending a great deal of time on this. If your business is indeed simple enough to run in QMac, I’m happy to see if I can find some ways to ease the migration task. I also have QuickBooks Mac Desktop 2021 so I will be able to try the same things as you on my end.
In general, the best way to move between accounting packages is to do so at the end of a fiscal/calendar year and to start fresh in the new year without attempting to carry forward any historical data beyond starting balances. And… to repeat… Quicken is not a full fledged accounting package and cannot do everything that QuickBooks can.
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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@bob2021 PS. I just read your other thread here:
where you describe your business activities. As @volvogirl stated there, your business is a Schedule C (even if a single member LLC) and so it makes the most sense to include the business and personal in one file. There is no need for "owner's equity" type of transactions as you stated there… which make sense when the business in in QB and your personal is in Quicken. With one file, if you split the internet expense to the business, you would simply use a business category for the business portion and a personal category for the rest. No equity contributions; no draws.
It does sound like Quicken Mac Business & Personal can address your needs… but, nevertheless, I know of no way of moving all of your QuickBooks data into Quicken Mac and cannot imagine why the sales people told you it was possible.
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)