Idea for manual price updates in Holdings page
At month-end I update prices manually for my investments to reconcile. When I open the Holding page it always DEFAULTS to the CURRENT day. While this may have some value for SOME users, it can be dangerous for many of us.
Today, January 5, I am reconciling seven investment accounts several of which contain common securities. I then discovered that I have missed updating one account for November 30. After updating prices for about 40 securities in that account, I find that I forgot to set the date to November 30, so all my prices are dated January 5.
In reviewing the price history for these securities, I find that this has also happened before. So I obviously have potentially misleading history in multiple accounts.
At minimum, the Holding page should always PROMPT for the 'AS OF' date instead of using a default date. This would at least remind us to use the correct date even though it still has the potential of affecting multiple accounts.