RSU grants with taxes removed show incorrect gain/loss in portfolio
The situation: I have RSUs which vest quarterly. When they vest, N shares are purchased, then M shares are immediately sold (by my company/brokerage) to cover tax costs. I enter in the total money given, the N shares bought, the M shares sold, and a split payment transaction showing the sold money spent on the taxes withheld. All is good.
Yet…. when I go to the gain/loss column in the Portfolio for that account, both the gain/loss and the gain/loss % is incorrect, as it is computing the numbers based on N shares, NOT on (N-M) shares. I only own (N-M) shares at this point.
I am aware that I could simply record only (N-M) shares bought, but doing so obscures the total compensation I now see from my employer in Quicken's view of my income (and my W-2 shows that total amount), and also obscures the RSU count which all my other documentation references.
I am also aware that I could record the total money given, split the transaction to deduct the money spent on the taxes withheld, and then only buy the (N-M) shares. If indeed that's the "right fix", then how about creating an RSU wizard which does this for you, in the One Prescribed Proper Way? I created a number of RSU transactions for a long time which did it the way I outlined above, and only recently realized that the gain/loss fields were very wrong.