Problem with CheckPay and Stop Payments

I had used CheckPay to issue three checks. Unfortunately, it was taking a while for the checks to get to the payee so I did a stop payment on the checks and sent wires. There seems to be no option to void a transaction in Quicken for Mac so I just had to delete the CheckPay transactions in my register.

Then a few weeks later I issued a new CheckPay to a different payee, but I didn't notice that CheckPay reused the check numbers from the checks that had been stopped. So when the new payee deposited the check, the check was rejected because there had been a stop payment issued on that check number. That clearly is a bug.

I've reported this to Quicken but I wanted others who use Checkpay to be sensitive to this issue. More importantly, Quicken for Mac needs a void button so you can let the software know the transaction isn't valid but doesn't remove the history the way delete does.