No reminder for manual backup after updating to R60.18

Member ✭✭✭

I am on the current Canadian version (R60.18) under Windows 10. I have the box for Manual Backup Reminders checked in Preferences and the frequency set to 1. Under previous versions I got a reminder everytime I shut down Quicken asking whether to perform a backup. This has stopped with this update. I get no reminder even after multiple openings and closings of Quicken. I tried changing the frequency with no avail. Is there another setting I should check? Are others seeing this behaviour?


  • Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 8

    I can confirm that is happening with Canadian version (R60.18) on Windows 11 Pro.

    I have periodically seen it happen after other feature releases, although in the past unchecking the Manual Backup preference, exiting, launching Quicken and reselecting Manual Backup preference has generally fixed it. That workaround hasn't worked this time however.

    Searching for manual backup - Quicken indicates others have encountered the problem as well.

    @scott18 Added: Found this solution. Manual Backup Reminders no longer occurring - Page 3 — Quicken. It fixed things for me.

  • Member ✭✭✭


    Thanks for your research. This solution worked for me as well.


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