How create report with specifics

qcknuser Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

I used Quicken PC for 25 years and knew it back to front. Now have switched to MAC and find the change difficult and online help had to find.

  1. I find the premade Reports confusing and difficult to know which one to use. How do I create one report for a specific year, specific category and specific payee. i.e., I want to know how much I spent in 2024 - on Payee Amazon - for Category Furnishings and then sort by Category.
  2. How do I stop the auto categorizing for one individual Payee without having to go the extra step of unclicking the quick fill box each time? For instance, I buy many things from Amazon that belong in many categories. I want to leave Amazon always uncategorized but sometimes forget to unclick so the next time it auto populates with wrong category and I don't always catch it. I want to keep quick fill for some other payees.

Thanks for helping. Am sure there there's an easy answer staring at me, I just can't see it


  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited January 29
    1. There's probably more than one way to do this. My way would be to start with the Category Summary by Year report (under Summary), then click on Edit. On the Categories tab select "Include only transactions with selected categories", click on the Clear All button to deselect all the categories, then check the specific category you want a report for. Next, on the Payees tab select "Include only transactions with selected payees", click on the Clear All button to deselect all the payees, and check the specific payee you want in the report. Then you can select "Last Year" on the Date Range pulldown to get the result for only 2024. The report won't show the payee, only the category & year, like the picture below, but you could change either the row or column to Payee using the pulldowns:
    2. I'm not sure there's a way to do that without having some side effects. You could turn off the creation of Quickfill rules in Settings and then delete any QuickFill rules for Amazon payees, but then it won't automatically create any new Quickfill rules or update existing one; you'll have to start creating & maintaining those rules by hand. I don't think there's any way to have Quickfill work automatically for all payees except one.
  • qcknuser
    qcknuser Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hurrah #1. I swear I did that maneuver but I must not have done it on the right report. I'm keeping this one!

    Thanks for #2 answer. I suspected that. Will get used to.

    Appreciate your help, Jon!