Schwab cash sweep funds and Quicken cash balance

Every month I download transactions into Quicken from my Schwab account (and others) using Quicken's 'Express Web Connect+'. I have a number of accounts with Schwab but the one with most issues is my IRA account. Each month, the cash balance online does not match the cash balance in Quicken. Invariably, it's due to 'SWGXX' transactions, which is the 'cash sweep' vehicle used by Schwab for all my cash in the account.
I typically delete all the 'bought' and 'sold' SWGXX transactions, and if I'm lucky that fixes the issue (cash balances match). But on many occasions, there's still a discrepancy and that has been traced to there being 'Div' transactions downloaded for SWGXX that have zero value. Looking online, I will see the same dated transactions with a dividend amount (eg, $88.37). If I manually enter this value in to the 'Div' transaction line for SWGXX, the cash numbers balance. There are other oddities associated with SWGXX that crop up from time to time (like CGShort, and shtSell types) but they are rarer.
I'm aware that the issue is related to how Schwab and Quicken treat 'sweep' cash funds differently.
I recently became aware of TWO settings in Quicken that could affect this:
Possible solution 1:
"Actions (gear) > update cash balance > Cash Representation > change/Don't change" - I haven't tried 'change' yet so I don't know if I'm asked additional questions beyond this
Possible solution 2:
"Actions (gear) > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Reset Money Market securities / Cash options" - "Quicken will change how it handles the money market fund representing your cash the next time you download ...". - I didn't go beyond this step without understanding more about what will happen next.
Am I on the right track for a solution, and are the two different solutions above actually different, or just two paths to the same end result? Are there other ways to address this?
This was further complicated by the fact that I just bought a second 'cash instrument' (in addition to the sweeps going to SWGXX) but this time, SWVXX (as opposed to SWGXX above). Quicken detected this as being a 'cash equivalent' on the first download after the purchase, and I INCORRECTLY chose 'Convert this fund into my cash balance (recommended). So I want to undo that mistake, AND somehow get quicken to treat SWGXX as the cash balance fund.
I'm hopeful that if I choose to go further with either of those options above, it will actually ASK me about both SWGXX and SWVXX but I can't be sure.
Quicken Classic Deluxe R60.20 Build
Update - I proceeded with the 'Possible Solution 2' - 'Actions/Edit Account Details/Online Services/Reset Money Market …'. As soon as I clicked 'OK', I just got an hourglass then nothing further (no questions about 'which MM fund' is cash). I then downloaded transactions, and again got the question about 'Charles Schwab uses SWVXX to represent … cash …' (as I did a few days ago). This time, I chose 'track it as a security'.
So now it would appear I'm correctly tracking SWVXX as a security BUT - I'm no closer to resolving the years-long problem of SWGXX being treated as a security and not cash. I want SWGXX to be treated as cash but it is treated as a security - the frequent buy/sell transactions of SWGXX are downloaded each time I connect, and I have to delete them all in order for my Quicken cash balance to match my Schwab cash balance.
Further - having used the option above, it is no longer available to me, and that applies also to the similar option I described as 'potential solution 1' - in both cases, the option to change handling of MM transactions is gone.
This problem is not restricted to Schwab, either. In my Vanguard (brokerage) account, I have the exact same problem with 'VMFXX (Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund)'. Every month I have to delete 'buy' and 'sell' transactions to get online cash to match Quicken cash.
However, in my Fidelity accounts, I have no such issues - there, my cash is swept to 'FIDELITY GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET (SPAXX)' and Quicken handles it perfectly.
So how do I clean up Schwab and Vanguard to behave like Fidelity in regards to MM sweep accounts?